Monday, April 28, 2008

Sickies and Ickies

Above are the belated Easter and Jacob's birthday pictures I promised!

Jacob had been pretty sick since early last week. He wouldn't eat or drink for a few days. I took him to the Dr. and they said he didn't have strep, then they called Monday and said that he did. Poor miserable little guy. He looked so skinny and sad! Jaden also had a fever and pain in his ear that night and we took him in to find that he had an ear infection. So, Jaden was home for 3 days and we were pretty much housebound all week. The only good thing is that I got to spend a little extra time with Jaden.
This weekend was crazy filled with service, soccer and ultimate Frisbee games, and lots of guests over for dinner Saturday and Sunday!
Friday night I volunteered for "Gifts from the Heart". It's a program that our stake started for donating to the needy or anyone (I consider all of us in need of something) I volunteered there thinking it would be great opportunity to scope out what I wanted to come back for the next day and then when I got there my whole tune changed. First of all it looked literally like D.I. in our gym! Crazy! Anyhow there was quite a heavy feeling I had there as I thought of the people that were really in need (having much less than I) that would come there to get things for free. I caught a glimpse of how much that would mean to them to have this resource and the relief they would feel for getting those things. The first hour in the morning was reserved for those recommended by the bishop and then it was open to anyone and everyone, including out of our faith. I heard that people started lining up to go in by 6 am. I had decided I wouldn't take anything or go back to get anything. I am blessed to be able to find enough other ways to get clothes for cheap (like yard sales, which I love). I was glad for the spirit I felt and that I could leave there remembering all of my many blessings!
Saturday night we celebrated Ryan's dad's birthday with KFC (his favorite) and German chocolate cake.
Sunday night my dad came over and brought dinner and we had the yummiest strawberry pie!

Overall we had a very fun weekend and everyone is all better now!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Half marathon or bust!

Well I completed the half marathon in Charlottesville, but boy was I in for a suprise. I don't know why I didn't realize that it was all rolling hills. You would think I would do more research on the actual marathon I am agreeing to run. and I didn't realize I was running a marathon labeled, "bad to the bone." Well, little did I know that they were different one from the next. ha ha!! The joke was on me. It was a good thing I opted not to drive the course the night before after hearing about the hills. Suprisingly, I still feel like I did very well for my first half marathon. My friend Stacey and I finished at the exact same time first in our group of 8 women. I think what got me through it without stopping was that I had mentally prepared myself that no matter what I was going to run the whole way through. At about mile 11 my hamstrings started to give out and I made it the last 2 miles with the help of Stacey and that last pack of "sport jelly beans". I also ate 2 power gels at mile 4 and 9. At least the last half mile was not one of the frequent and steady uphills, but downhill. Turning the corner to the finish line, Stacey tells me to sprint to the end. Ugh! and who puts the very end of the finish line up another hill? The whole thing was just crazy, hard, emotional, but fun! I really had no idea what I was capable of. This helps me in a lot of ways to realize my potential. I can't wait to do it again (but not for at least another 6 months!) I highly recommend. It was definately different than anything I've done before. Maybe next spring I will do a triathalon. You never know, but don't worry I have absolutely no desire to do a full marathon. I'm not that crazy :)

I will post the other pictures when I get them of all of the girls who participated! Keep watching!

I know! I am the biggest dork ever!
Kim, me, and Stacey to my left.

Kim and I and Stacey trained together the whole time

Kim and I (and Stacey) were together until mile 11!

Stacey and I finishing together!

I was a lot more tired than I looked. Did I mention that I could barely walk for 2 days and had to ice my knees? Everyone actually finished about a minute before what's posted since we had a delayed start. We all had a microchip on our shoes.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Jacob's face "paints a thousand words". He is the calmest, sweetest baby we've ever known!

Jacob loves daddy, they have so much fun together!

Jacob plays piano in his spare time!

.......and reads

He loves Dr. Seuss!

......,..playing ball is another favorite!

Dress-up? Definitely not!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Monday, April 7, 2008

Jocelyn healing nicely!

Kids taught Jacob to go down the stairs in one day!

Jacob loves his new Birthday present!

Jacob eats and "drinks" like a big boy!

Jocelyn at preschool after her stitches were taken out.

Hello! We hope you all had a good last week! We really enjoyed staying home this weekend and watching conference! It was so relaxing. On Sunday we all got dressed up in our Sunday clothes and went down to our basement. The kids worked on their conference packets and stayed pretty quiet. We were impressed! It was a much better spirit at home to pretend like we were at church! It was also alot easier to keep Jacob home so that he could sleep!
There were so many great things in conference! I can't wait to read all of the talks again! I will then post my favorite quotes!
Not much else new to report this week!

We hope you all are well and we love you!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Jacob and Belated Easter!





Jacob had plenty of willing helpers to open his gifts with!

Uh, I swear I posted on Sunday and now there is nothing here. Wierd! Well, I guess I have to start over.
Sunday was Easter and Jacob's birthday! Ryan was gone all of Spring break the week before in Kalamazoo Michigan. He came home for the weekend and we were supposed to spend the whole Saturday at my dad's house. That plan got a little changed when Jocelyn cracked her head open at Dick's sporting goods. She had to go to the E.R. and get 4 stitches. Ryan stayed with her the whole time and kept her calm. She was a real trooper and didn't cry much until the stitches were removed the following Friday. I guess she's used to hurting herself, since she had always been very accident prone and had Jaden beating up on her :)
We finally got to my dad's house and dyed Easter eggs and opened Jacob's birthday present. He got a new dump truck that he can sit on, push, and put block in. Right now he's content just sitting on it pressing the sound buttons. Jacob also ate birthday cake for the first time. he was very tired but managed to stuff his face in a dazed stupor. It was really funny to watch him. I will post the pictures when I get them from my dad!
The kids did get a little over-zealous at the park and pushed him so fast he fell right off. I guess he's the new one to get pushed around. He's pretty tough too, but not afraid to call to mommy for help!
Sunday we went to Ryan's parents for more birthday and Easter celebration! As you can see in the picture LaDawn made a bear cake for Jacob, which is a pretty common cake for the grandchildren to get! Jacob was so tired and worn out from his cake at my dad's the night before that he acted like having cake was old news and would rather just go to bed. He chimed in for a few claps and then he was done!