Saturday, June 21, 2008

Baby Gender

Well as you all know I had the babies Fetal Echo last week to check the babies heart. The good news is that this baby has no heart defects! YEAH! They looked at gender and had a hard time deciding at first because the cord was in between babies legs. After much deliberation they think the baby is a boy. They said I would have to confirm it at my ultrasound next Friday. I have to say I was shocked and still can't believe it's a boy, but I will of course be happy with whatever the gender is. I just really wanted Jocelyn to have a sister. Oh well, I'm sure God smiles at me as I worry about that while He sees the eternal perspective. I still won't be completely convinced until I'm told again that it's definitely a boy. I am mostly happy to know that this baby will be healthy! Thanks all for your love and support. I love you guys!


Sarah S said...

How fun that you're having another boy!!! Congratulations and I'm glad the baby's heart is healthy.

Lauren said...

Congrats Christina! Three boys is not so bad, it's actually alot of fun! Jocelyn will be a great big sister no matter what.

Real Life Roberts said...

CONGRATS!! So does this mean you are done after #4? If so, Jocelyn will always be your one and only princess and a cute one too!

Christina Huling said...

I can't be done if I don't have another girl yet, but I can't say now when that will be, that's too much to think about now! I think I'll try one more time for a girl.

Linzie said...

Congrats on another little man! Jocelyn will just have to come over and play with Avery to get her girl fix for now! If I ever feel better!!!!

paulak said...

Well, you will still have your little princess to spoil. Congrats on the boy...if it ends up being a boy. What fun to have so many boys though.

Melanie and Chauncey West said...

Atleast this way Jacob has a sibling closest in age to him. Every other may not be so great even though you wanted a girl. She will come. I am glad that he's healthy. You find out for sure this week?

Dan and Melissa said...

Oh Christina... Wow I miss you! Your family is so cute and you look so beautiful. So you're about to have number 4 and 3 of them are boys! That's so are such a good boy mom! Jocelyn will always be the adorable princess. Jayden hasn't changed much. You need to fill me in on all that has happened in your life in the last two years. I really miss those Wymount days sometimes. You guys were such good friends. Our blog address is " I just started it so I will need to catch-up.

Amber said...

Wow, 3 boys! Good thing you are in such good shape! I'm so excited for you.

Cheryl said...

Yeah!! We finally found you! Congratulations on your upcoming baby. It is fun to catch up on what you guys are doing. We are still here in Boston and would love to get together if you are up here or we are down there. Check out our happenings at Please keep in touch!

Anonymous said...

Hey you
you look really good and so happy. I'm excited for you to have another boy, they really are alot of fun (most of the time anyway lol)
i'm glad the heart is great and I'm glad you are all doing good.
miss you