Friday, February 1, 2008

The Hulings, lately

I am just creating a blog and some of you viewing this might already know that I am not a very good blogger, but I needed another place besides my family site to have our current family happenings for my friends and other family. Everyone is doing well! Even though life is busy for us all, Jacob seems to be the most busy most recently. Just this week he started pulling himself up and managed to climb his first step. He is still pretty unsturdy and indicates he doesn't really know what to do once pulled up by saying "eh, eh, eh" in a grunting voice. I guess he is tired of his dirty days on the hardwood floor! He is getting so big and loves to participate in every meal with us! Jaden and Jocelyn can't get enough of him. It is so fun to watch them all interact. Jacob laughs at Jocelyn the most. Somehow she's able to entertain and make babies laugh, including Jacob's friends. Jocelyn is going through her very independent stage. Life is harder at home with her, without Jaden here to play with during the day. We did just find out that Jocelyn recently had mono. That could be to blame for all of her tiredness and weakness over the past few months. She is enjoying preschool twice a week and our mother/daughter relationship is growing. Jaden is progressing and becoming better all the time at Kindergarten. He is very intellectual, but has struggled with the routines and responsibilities expected of him. With a lot of motivation and a rewards program he is moving right along. Jaden can read now and he's a good writer too. He especially loves to draw and make anything out of paper. This week he got to have Daddy come to lunch as a reward for doing so well! Yeah Jaden! Ryan is very busy and gone most nights until 9 or 10 working. It is busy season for him, since he is an auditor. We are both staying active by playing church basketball! I am busy just being at home with the kids and running this household. I am also training for a half marathon in April with several of the girls in my relief society. It is the Charlottesville half marathon. For me it feels good to put my mind to doing something that is hard and seeing myself start to accomplish something that feels far out of reach for me. It is definitely good for my soul! I am still teaching at my gym once or twice a week. It is great to be paid to workout and I have a passion for it! It's so much fun!

Jacob, 10 months old!

Jocelyn, 3.5 years old!

Jacob learning how to pull himself up.
The bath is a real motivator for him

The kids trying to keep Jacob from tearing up the presents!

Jacob's sweet face! Wait till I show u the pics of Ryan as a baby!

Mary, our fitness director, took this of Kim and I training for the half marathon


Nola said...

Hi Christina! So good to hear from you. My how Jaden and Jocelyn have grown! And now there is Jacob! You have a lovely family and you are doing such a good job at keeping them all together--your Mom I know would be proud! Angel and Roo Roo are doing great! Andrew got out of the gate the other day and went roaming while I was at work. A nice lady found him and called through a tag which had Lisa's contact info on it. She called here at work to let me know she had found him. He has since been recovered and is doing fine. They are both healthy and happy! All is well with my family and life is moving along nicely. Take care and keep in touch. Love and blessings, Nola

Melanie and Chauncey West said...

This is fun to read. I am glad you are doing this. Keep it updated please! I lvoe to see all of it. Oh, and you posted pictures of both Joc and Jacob and thier ages, but not of Jaden. I want a picture of him!

Amber said...

Way to go! I can't believe you are training for a marathon. You go girl! You are always so in shape. I'm so glad you now have a blog so I can keep up with your family! We'll visit Huling Haven often.

Lauren said...

Good to hear from you Christina. Keep it updated because I'll be visiting! I am so impressed by your athleticism and love for exercise. I need to borrow some of your passion. Good luck with the marathon!


PS My third baby boy is named Jacob also! It's a good name, don't you think?

kathi said...

you go girl..... i dont know how you have time for a website. thank goodness the internet wasnt around when i was raising my children, i wouldnt get anything done. your kids are sooo cute.. evan comes home in april, he is my baby boy at 22yrs old love you kathi