Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Jaden's surgery

Just a little blurp to let all of you know that Jaden's surgery and recovery has gone pretty well. It was a little rough, but it's a rough surgery for anyone so I still think he's the bravest 6 year old I know! (He had a tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy and new ear tubes put in). He was in alot of pain days 7-10 and he missed the first week of school, but that's ok. Luckily we had our good friends, Rick and Amber Swensen here and we still got to do lots of fun things in D.C. Since Jaden was on pain meds still and a strict diet he couldn't go back to school. I was actually grateful to have him home for another week and still having educational experiences. The first 2 days of school were really hard for him because aside from still dealing with pain and discomfort he was dealing with a new teacher and friends (and change has never been easy for Jaden). His second day back to school was his birthday and I pulled him out early for a Dr. appt, so that ended up making it a little easier!
For his birthday we went to Friendly's (a fun ice cream restraunt) with his uncle and ate yummy food! then we went to pick him out a birthday present. He of course chose a large lego set! Jaden will spend hours building legos! I think the day ended up being a good one for him! I can't believe I have a 6 year old! Somehow though I can't imagine life ever without him.

I love this picture of the kids looking out from the house at
Mt. Vernon. It was so beautiful there!

They had a place just for little ones where they could dress-up
That was fun!

The view George Washington's house at Mt. Vernon
(from left: Jaden, Chase, Rick, Amelie, and Jocelyn)

The kids played so well together the
whole trip!

We tried to get Jacob and Amelie to hug and
kiss, but Jacob wasn't really into it :)

The Washington's and their grandchildren (oh, and Jaden
Jocelyn and Chase)